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Join our Sponsorship Partner Network

Become a sponsor and make a lasting impact on our community. Your support will help us create accessible, affordable, and local fitness events for families and athletes of all ages. As a 501 organization, your donation is tax-deductible and will directly contribute to enhancing event experiences. Let's work together to promote a healthier lifestyle and create a positive change in our community.

Sponsor Marketing Packages

Select Tailored Sponsorship Packages to Amplify Your Brand’s Reach and Impact

  • Event Title Champion

    Exclusive title sponsor with premier logo placement, VIP access, and maximum brand visibility.
    • Title sponsor with name in event title & top logo placement
    • Maximize visibility with digital & event day name mentions,
    • 5 event entries and VIP area access for employees.
    • Logo on all event photos for long-term visibility.
    • Post-event analytics report with valuable insights.
    • 2 pre-event and 1 post-event exclusive emails to attendees.
    • Featured in media releases, radio ads, and event posters.
    • Host a pre-event reception or packet pickup.
    • Reserved 10x10 booth in a high-traffic race day area.
    • Opportunities for digital content and cross-promotion collab
  • Event Corporate Booster

    High-visibility branding, event day recognition, and direct participant engagement.
    • High-visibility logo placement on digital and print.
    • Brand highlighted in announcements and DJ mentions.
    • 3 complimentary event entries for team participation.
    • Logo on finisher photos for wide social media sharing.
    • Featured in event marketing photos and videos.
    • Sponsor email highlighting your brand to all attendees.
    • Reserved 10x10 booth space at the race day expo.
  • Rest Stop Sponsor

    Exclusive naming rights at a rest stop with high-visibility branding and custom signage.
    • Exclusive naming rights of a rest stop and official maps.
    • Sponsor rest stop portables build brand loyalty with runners
    • Acknowledgment in event digital and race day announcements
    • Social media mentions highlighting your support.
    • Event Participation Ticket (1)
  • T-Shirt Sponsor

    Dress the crowd & let your brand be the talk of the town.
    • Logo on event shirts for maximum visibility
    • Brand featured in event digital and race day announcements
    • Dedicated social media post highlighting your sponsorship.
    • Reserved 10x10 booth space at race day expo.
    • Event Participation Ticket (1)
  • Community Champion

    Prominent venue display, social media exposure, and vendor space for direct engagement.
    • Prominent venue display booth for participant engagement.
    • Logo featured on social media, emails, and event website.
    • Brand highlighted in digital and race day announcements
    • Reserved 10x10 booth space at the race day expo.
    • Event Participation Ticket (1)
  • Finish Line Marketing MVP

    Branding at the finish line, social media amplification, and event day recognition.
    • Marketing materials featured at high-traffic finish area
    • Brand featured in announcements and DJ mentions.
    • Banner displays at the finish line for strong brand presence
    • Social media posts on platforms post event (2)
    • Event Participation Ticket (1)
  • Community Supporter

    Logo on the event website, social media shoutout, and vendor booth for participant interaction.
    • Logo featured on event website for consistent exposure.
    • Shoutout on social media channels to highlight support.
    • Acknowledgment in media releases, radio, and posters.
    • Reserved 10x10 booth space at the race day expo.
  • Course Mile Sponsor

    Branding along a race mile with high-visibility signage and strategic placement.
    • Brand featured along a designated mile of the race course.
    • Signage placement in high-visibility location for athletes
    • Signage provided to our team for maximum brand impact
  • Event Friend

    Tax-deductible donation supporting the event, with media recognition for your contribution.
    • Brand helps improve community health and wellness.
    • Tax-deductible donation supporting the event’s mission.
    • Acknowledgment in media releases, radio, and posters.
  • Event Expo Booth

    Vendor booth at the expo, optimal exposure, and post-event marketing listing.
    • Showcase your brand at a designated expo booth.
    • Booth placement in the venue/expo area for exposure.
    • Brand listed on event website and post - event materials.
  • Civic/Non-Profit Org Expo Booth

    Dedicated booth space for civic orgs and/or non-profits with event visibility and marketing inclusion.
    • Non-profits can showcase their cause at a dedicated booth.
    • Booth placement in the venue/expo area for exposure.
    • Organization listed on event website & post-event marketing
  • In-Kind Partner (Any Donation Value)

    Donate services/products, build community ties, and receive media recognition.
    Free Plan
    • Donate services/products to activate brand engagement
    • Build community connections as a valued event partner.
    • Recognition in social releases and email
    • Social brand in-use event photos of product use/testimonials
    • Testimonial photos of people using your product at event
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