SwimBikeRun Fun Club & Events Registration Policies
Everything You Need to Know About Our Event Race Registration Transfer Fees and Options. Race Deferral Policy Policy on athlete deferrals applies to race in-person events only. Clinics not included. Policy on Deferrals
SwimBikeRun Fun Club & Events does allow athletes to defer for any reason for a fee of $0, but this must be done at least 4 days before the race date.
Steps for Deferral: 1. Log in to your RunSignUp.com account 2. Profile > Upcoming Events > Manage Registration 3. On the left of the screen select “Defer Registration” & follow the steps which includes paying the $0 deferral fee. 4. When a registration for a comparable/similar race opens you will receive an email on how to register for the event at no charge. (You would only incur a cost if the new race has higher pricing) Note: If you purchased Registration Protector, you can ask the carrier (Allianz) if they can extend your coverage to the deferred event. Race Transfer Policy The transferred race must take place in the same calendar year as the original event. Any SOLD OUT events or Training Camps are not included. Policy on Transfer - Race to another Race Transferring from one race to another incurs NO TRANSFER FEE.
If an athlete transfers from a more expensive race to a less expensive race, the difference will not be refunded. If an athlete transfers from a lower-priced race to a higher-priced race, the difference must be paid in addition to the transfer fee. Athletes must withdraw from a race no later than 4 days before the race date. Athletes can transfer into eligible races up to 4 days before the race. This can be done via your Profile on RunSignUp.com. Races that are being transferred must have been open to the public for at least ten days. Athletes are only permitted to request one transfer per race per calendar year. Registrations for claimed deferrals are not transferable to another race. If an athlete transfers, they will no longer be eligible for the full refund plan through the Registration Protector. Within the Same Race (Event Transfer AKA Race Distance Changes) Transferring from one race to another incurs NO TRANSFER FEE. Transfers from one event to another within the same race are permitted as long as General Registration is still open. Transferring from one event to another within the same race is free of charge. This includes Individual to Relay and Relay to Individual. If an athlete transfers from a higher priced event to a lower priced event, the difference will not be refunded. If an athlete transfers from a lower-cost event to a higher-cost event, the athlete must pay the difference. If an athlete transfers, they will no longer be eligible for the full refund plan through Registration Protector. Transfer to Another Athletes (Same Event Only)
Transferring a bib from one person to another is not permitted unless done through Runsignup. There are no exceptions. You can transfer your event to another athlete via runsignup at zero cost. You will require their email address to compelete the transfer. Refund Policy Through our registration platform, SwimBikeRun Fun Club & Events provides Registration Protector. If you register for an SBR Fun event and are unable to attend, there are no refunds available UNLESS you have purchased Registration Protector and are in compliance with their terms and conditions. The event's proceeds, like all others, are used to cover the numerous nonrefundable pre- and post-race expenses required to put on the event (e.g., city permits, police and traffic control, security, participant shirts, finisher medals, race bib, timing chips, equipment rental, tents, event staff, signage, event supplies, portable restrooms, etc.). In addition, it's fully disclosed in our SBR Fun Club & Events registration waiver you accepted: that you acknowledge and agree that the Event Producer may, in its sole discretion, postpone, modify, or cancel the Event for any reason, including if it believes the race day conditions are unsafe. If the Event is delayed, modified, or cancelled due to acts of God or the elements (including, but not limited to, wind, rough water, rain, hail, hurricane, tornado, earthquake), acts of terrorism, fire, threatened or actual strike, labor difficulty, work stoppage, insurrection, war, public disaster, flood, unavoidable casualty, race course conditions, global pandemic, or any other cause beyond the Event Producer's control, there shall be no refund. Right To Refuse Service. Swim Bike Run Fun Club & Events has the authority to decline service to any individual or entity based on reasons that are not prohibited by law, and at its own discretion. Additionally, the organization has the right to dismiss registered volunteers from their duties, exclude unwelcomed individuals from participant lists, and remove athletes from events without cause. Here are a few examples of when Swim Bike Run Fun Club & Events may exercise its right to refuse service or remove individuals: If an individual is behaving in a disruptive or unsafe manner, such as being verbally or physically aggressive towards other participants or staff members. If an individual has violated the organization's rules or policies, such as using performance-enhancing drugs or cheating during an event. If an individual is unable to meet the event's minimum requirements, such as age or physical fitness level. If an individual has a history of causing problems at previous events, and the organization believes they are likely to do so again. If an individual has made discriminatory remarks or exhibited discriminatory behavior towards others, such as making racist or sexist comments. If an athlete or volunteer is unable to follow instructions given, they can be removed from the event.