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New Year - 30 Day Arm Challenge

Sun, Jan 01


Facebook Group Challenge

Strengthen & Tone Your Arms With This Quick 30 Day Arm Challenge We put together this month-long challenge in our Facebook group to help you build upper-body strength in just 30 days ‌and‌ you'll get the bragging rights after you knock out some wine push-ups.

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New Year - 30 Day Arm Challenge
New Year - 30 Day Arm Challenge

Time & Location

Jan 01, 2023, 12:00 AM – Jan 31, 2023, 11:59 PM

Facebook Group Challenge

About the Event

2023 New Years Fit Challenge is on Deck. Yall asked for it so here it is!  

January 1st we kick off a 30-Day Arm Challenge That Will Help You Build Stronger Arms (maybe even reduce flab too!) in our Facebook Group.

I am personally calling this the Tub, Toilet and Tiles challenge. Arms strong enough to raise you out the tub (I struggled with that last week after a soak), off the toilet (it's a thing - trust me) and off the tile floor when you slip and fall putting on socks(trust me...this is a real thing too!) 

FOCUS is SIMPLE Functional fitness moves we can knock out daily in under 5-10 mins and make it FUN with social shares. 

There are 3 basic exercises/moves and one level up option with weights. You can do them at home, in the office, at the gym or in Whole Foods produce aisle. 

  • Push Ups
  • Dips
  • Shadow Boxing
  • Dumbbell Curls (Level up option) 

We've provided modifications and a daily Challenge Infographic to help you stay on track. (provided in Facebook Group)

We on the honor system - do what you can with what you have - even if that mean modifications - and oh yeah - you are only required to do one round. Period that's it.  (demo of exercises and modification are shared in the group)

We would love for you to check in daily with an emoji, selfie, videos and supportive words. Invite you partners and friends to challenge along with ya.  

Now, before you alert us that there are actually 31 days in Jan and we have a 30 day challenge - we have something special planned for the 31st day. 

The 30th day of the challenge is a MAX do what you can before you call it quits ---yeah we gonna have fun on the 31st - and ask you send in a pic or vid of your progress of you doing 5 sipping wine/water pushups with good form. 

#funclubarmschallenge #ArmChallenge2023 #strongarms2023 #batwingsbegone #strongleanarms #sunsoutgunsout #fitsocial #swimbikerunfun #wedothisforfun #itaintfunnywhenyoucantgetoffthefloor #strongarmsmakeyouswimfaster #leanerarmsfitbetterinthosetightasscyclingjerseys #dipshelpifyouhavebighipsandwhimpyarms #letshavesomefunwiththis

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